YEAH - WE DID IT!!!! Yes, my friend Kay and I hiked ACROSS THE GRAND CANYON!!!!! We left the North Rim to hike down the North Kaibab trail at 5:45am on Tue., 23Sep and reached the South Rim
at the Bright Angel Trail head at about Noon on Fri. 26Sep. As with
most things, not all went according to plan and we had to stay flexible
and make adjustments along the way, but the trip was still awesome and
I’d recommend it to everyone. It was a fantastic experience and I’d do
it again, and hopefully will, with only a few modifications.
first difficulty we encountered was Kay’s reaction to hiking in the
heat. We didn’t realize it would affect her so adversely. Although
we’d done several practice hikes with backpacks, weights, water, etc.,
they were all in the Uinta’s at altitudes of about 8,000 ft, and in
temperatures of 75 or less. While the temperature was about 28 degrees
when we started, as we got lower in elevation and the day heated up, it
didn’t take long until we were hiking in temps in the 80' s and even
the 90's by afternoon. Although everything we had read said to figure
on averaging 2 miles an hour downhill, with the heat and steepness, we
had trouble making one mile an hour. The mules use the same trail, and
as a result, parts of it were very rough, with logs and rocks placed
across it to prevent erosion. This created obstacles to step over and
the equivalent of very steep steps downhill, especially for short
legs. The trail was cut into the
side of the canyon, with steep drop offs on the side, although it was always 4-5 feet wide.
We reached the halfway point, Cottonwood
Campground (7 miles from the start), at about 3 in the afternoon. We
stopped for an hour, so Kay could lay in the shade and see if we could
continue. I also had her put on and wet down a cotton t-shirt to help
cool her off and I did the same. I wanted to talk with a ranger about
hiking options, but couldn’t locate one. At 4pm we decided to continue
on to Phantom Ranch. We knew it would be cooler in the evening and we’d
finish in the dark, but we both had headlamps and flashlights. Several
other hikers had mentioned to us that we should have planned to stay
overnight at Cottonwood, but we hadn’t brought supplies for that and the
only reference I’d seen to taking the hike down in two days referred to
hiking in the summer. We didn’t realize it would still be so hot the
end of September. For those wondering, we had been drinking water with
electrolytes and eating energy bars & salty foods. There were 3 water stops each on the way down and back up, so getting enough liquids wasn’t a problem under normal circumstances..
The views were amazing and we enjoyed seeing the climate & vegetation changes from a Douglas and Ponderosa
Forest at the top to desert conditions further down the trail. After
about 5 miles, we had a creek running in the canyon with us, so there
were sporadic bushes and trees alongside it. The last four miles were
in what is called, “the box.” It’s a narrow canyon of Vishnu Schist,
the oldest rock in the Canyon at about 1.7 billion years old. The rock
is very dark and almost black. We started into the box about 7pm as it
was getting dark and finished the narrowest section, crossing several
bridges in the dark, so didn’t get to see much of it. My headlamp had
grown too dim and I was using a flashlight, so Kay was in the front and
came to a halt when she saw a pink Grand Canyon
rattlesnake on the trail. At this point the trail was about 4-5 feet
wide and straight up on one side and straight down on the other side.
The snake was undecided
about where to go, but eventually started
straight up. Kay dashed past it and as she did, it turned quickly and
started back down. It was now looking at me and coming VERY slowly in my
direction. After several minutes I decided to hurry it along and from a
safe distance started tossing rocks towards its back end. It finally
left the trail and I dashed up to Kay. Of course, we wondered about the
rattlers we HADN’T seen along the trail.
We finally saw lights
on the South Rim and then a sign that said we were only about ½ a mile
from Phantom Ranch. What a welcome sight they were! We kept going
through the ranch buildings when we reached it, until we came to the
canteen and reception hall. There were two employees cleaning up and
setting up for breakfast when we got there at 9:45pm, 16 hours after
we’d started our 14 mile hike. They had our names from the reservations
made a year earlier and offered to reheat our dinner, (also reserved a
year ago), which we gratefully accepted. Kay inquired as to whether
they had a duffel available for the day we left. They did and we
reserved and paid for that. You can have a duffel (weighing up to 30
lbs), taken out by mule for $62. We thought this would lighten our
packs and make it easier hiking out on Thur, so split one.
a delicious meal of hiker’s stew, biscuits, and chocolate cake, we
headed toward our dorm. They told us it was full, but there would be 2
empty beds. With 5 bunk beds in the dorm, of course the two empty beds
were upper bunks. Everyone was asleep, or at least in bed with a dark
room when we got there, but between our flashlights, bumping around,
climbing up and down and up again, showers, etc., we probably managed to
wake anyone still sleeping by the time we settled in about 11pm.
About half of us had the early breakfast (5am) reserved, so there was a
knock on the door at 4:30am alerting us all. Kay still wasn’t feeling
well, so I went over with the other gals. Meals are served family
style. They had orange juice, scrambled eggs, bacon, and pancakes. It
was wonderful and they let me bring Kay’s back to her, along with some
coffee. Kay headed for a shower and I decided to hike the river trail
with a couple other gals while it was still cool. It was only about 2
miles all together, so wasn’t bad. Seeing the Colorado River was proof
we were really at THE BOTTOM OF THE GRAND CANYON, and very exciting!
About 8 mules were loaded with passengers and waiting to cross the
black bridge into a tunnel to the South Kaibab trail and up out of the
canyon. They were waiting for a pack mule train coming down with food
and supplies. Since they don’t allow hikers on the bridge or in the
tunnel with the mules, we went the other direction and hiked to the
silver bridge (you can see through the metal slats to the river below,
so the mules won’t cross it). We crossed to the other side and hiked
the river trail to where it meets the S. Kaibab trail and went down it
and through the tunnel. We watched some rafts going by and other rafts
pulled up at the boat beach. I knew we wouldn’t come this direction
the next day, so had wanted to see this area, as the black bridge is the
one you can see from the South Rim. On the way back to the Ranch, I
told the others to go ahead and found two geocaches I knew were down
After I got back, Kay was feeling better, so we went
over to the lodge to write and mail postcards. They are all stamped
with a note that they are “mailed by mule from the bottom of the Grand
Canyon.” Several others were doing the same thing and it was funny to
note we were all have a little trouble writing clearly. All those who
had hiked in the previous day were doing what was called the Kaibab
Shuffle, a gait that involved lifting the leg as little as possible,
after the heavy downhill hikes to get there. This was especially
notable on the four steps leading up and down from the canteen and our
dorm. We also purchased shirts, caps, and pins that are only available
at Phantom Ranch. Knowing we had the duffel to take some things out
I had picked up our sack lunches at breakfast and with
most of our dorm we went down to Bright Angle Creek where we soaked our
feet and legs in the cool, refreshing water. It felt so........ good!
In the afternoon we enjoyed a nap, before we went to hear a ranger
presentation about the geology of the canyon. We had the early dinner
at 5pm, a delicious salad, New York
Steaks, baked potatoes, corn, peas, carrots, rolls, and once again
chocolate cake for dessert. Lemonade, tea, coffee, and water were the
beverages of choice, although you could buy beer and wine. After
dinner we went to another ranger presentation on the history of Phantom
Ranch and then by 9:30pm we were all ready to get some sleep for our
hike out the next day.
After our 4:30 wake up, we had breakfast
at 5, gathered our lunch supplies, took our duffel over for the mules to
take out, and headed for the trail by about 5:45am. We crossed the
silver bridge and headed along the river to the Bright Angel Trail. Kay
didn’t feel good almost from the start and couldn’t understand why she
felt so weak. We took it easy and were in the shade most of the
morning. We had already decided that we would hike the 5 miles to Indian Gardens
and wait there until 3 or 4 in the afternoon before hiking the
remaining 4.6 miles out of the canyon. The first 5 miles only went up
about 1200 feet with the final 3100 feet in elevation gain all being in
the last portion of the hike. We arrived at Indian Gardens about noon
and immediately headed for shade and wet down shirts to put on. After
the first trip to the restroom, Kay started having diarrhea, adding to
her problems with the heat. I was getting really concerned and went to
the Visitor Center. There was a note there saying the ranger was in
the area and to use the emergency phone to reach him. After letting it
ring for 20 minutes I went back to get Kay and moved her and our packs
to a picnic table outside the center. The emergency phone was still
ringing with no answer. We discovered we had intermittent cell phone
service and were able to reach our husbands. I asked Gary to go into
the Bright Angel Lodge at the top of the canyon and tell someone I
needed a ranger. I talked with an experienced canyon hiker who gave
suggestions for what I could do in the meantime. We’d already done
everything except cut our electrolyte drinks in half with water. About
15 minutes later Ranger Pete showed up, having been radioed from the top
and told where we were. He also told us the emergency phone was out
of order.
After hearing her symptoms and talking with Kay, Pete
decided she might have the flu. I’d been worrying so much about heat
exhaustion and heat stroke, I hadn’t thought of anything that simple.
Kay mentioned that unknown to me, one of the gals in our dorm had been
sick too. With that, Pete took us to a camp shelter in the shade, as it
was thundering now and looking like rain. We decided to wait a couple
hours, see how Kay felt, and decide whether to try and hike out or wait
until the next day. Pete said he had supplies he could lend us if we
stayed. Kay rested a bit, but when she started vomiting, we decided not
to attempt to hike out that night. When Pete came back, I went with
him and got 2 mats, 2 sleeping bags, and a tent. Pete not only helped
me set it all up, he later brought Kay chicken noodle soup, me some beef
stew, along with rolls, apples, carrots, and pretzels for both of us.
What a wonderful guy he was! Another hiker we’d met
on the trail
also brought us noodles and we had another one come offer food, but
declined, as we had plenty. I was able to text Gary and let him know we
were spending the night, so the guys wouldn’t worry.
Kay spent
the evening laying down and resting and I read and reread the one
small pamphlet I had with me. We’d sent most of our stuff in the duffel
out with the mules, so we didn’t have changes of clothes or any
extras. Fortunately we’d both kept enough in the way of energy bars,
and electrolyte mixes. By 7:30 it was dark and I went to bed too. At
5am we were both awake and Kay was feeling much better. I however, now
also had the flu, but decided to hike out while it was cool. While I
had a little diarrhea and vomiting, I mainly ached all over. We rolled
up the bags and mats and I hiked them back up to the Ranger station
while Kay took down the tent. We packed it up and were once again
hiking at 5:45am. We began a slow, but steady climb out of the canyon.
We stopped often to take pictures, marvel at the incredible views, and
catch our breath. About 11am we met our husbands about 3/4 mile from
the top. They had seen us with their
binoculars and hiked down to
meet us. What a wonderful sight they were!!! Gary had brought 2 Diet
Pepsi’s with him and they were wonderfully received. We’d both missed
Diet Pepsi in the canyon. We came out of the canyon about noon. I
was feeling better and since we were in the shade about 90% of the time
and back at about 6800 feet and it was cooler, Kay was better too.
All in all, it was a wonderful trip!!! My only changes would have been
to take items that would have allowed us to do both the hike down and
up in two days each. Even though it would have meant carrying larger
packs with sleeping mats and bags, and more food, it would have been
worth it. We could have done all of our hiking in the morning, except
for the first day, when we reached the campground at 3pm. Knowing that
the heat had such a negative effect, I also would have started earlier
that first day and left about 4am. All this is said of course, with
perfect 20/20 hindsight.
In any case, we made it out together,
have wonderful memories, and Kay was even still speaking to me at the
end, despite my suggesting the trip to begin with. Despite the heat and
the flu, she said she enjoyed it, although she told Gary it was his
turn next. I know I did. What’s next? Who knows?
Gary and I stayed at the South Rim
of the Canyon until Sunday & had campfires both Fri and Sat
evening, as well as Sat morning. We enjoyed the warmer temps, as it had
been really cold on the North Rim.
Gary shared pictures of the 5 elk that had bedded down in our site the
day before. I watched the sunrise over the canyon on Sat morning and we
hiked along the rim on Sat and enjoyed looking down at Phantom Ranch
and the Colorado River. We also saw a really good exhibit on the
Civilian Conservation Corp. and all the work they’d done at the Grand Canyon.
Sunday we were on our way by 5:15am, through Phoenix,
and back at RoVer’s Roost by 11:15am. We parked, turned on the air
conditioning as temps are still over 100 in the afternoon, and enjoyed
being back in our AZ
home!!! Sandy (my boss & the quilt shop owner) had put a banner up
on our shed welcoming us home and was even waiting there to welcome
us. Of course she also wanted to make sure I’d be at work the next
week. So while Gary is relaxing for a couple weeks, I started back to
work on Wed and Sat.
Gary went through my car and removed nests
that had been built there and recharged the battery. We had some
wiring chewed through to one of the headlights and wound up needing to
replace the battery, but it’s fine other than that. Once again, after
driving trucks all summer, it’s nice to have a car again. Yesterday we
made a trip to Trader Joe’s and Gary managed to play 18 holes of golf
this morning. I pulled a muscle in my leg Sunday afternoon moving
things around in the shed, so haven’t been able to run yet, but life is
returning to normal for us.
A reminder that we’ve cancelled our pocketmail, so the only e-mail address we have is this one: Our winter address is: 3241 S. Montgomery Road, Casa Grande, AZ 85293. We also have texting on my phone, 801-455-2101. We look forward to hearing from you all this winter.
Dancing on lot #96 in RoVer’s Roost.......................
Hugs, Katy, Gary, Rusty, and Spicy