Thanksgiving starts with something very special for us. Our youngest
grandson, Bowdie Smith, born June 25th, at 1 lb 1 oz went home with his
very excited parents on Nov 12th!!!!! He weighs an even 7 pounds and
is doing well. He went home on oxygen and with heart and breathing
monitors that he’ll have for the next few months at least. Their little
family is homebound with orders not to take him out in any crowds or
around young children, but that’s OK, they’re just thrilled to be at
home, after 4 ½ months of daily hospital visits.
We’ve gotten
into the swing of our winter routine. I’m only working one day a week
this year, and loving the extra time. My quilt classes have restarted
and we’re working on interesting projects. There are also some exciting
workshops coming up to look forward to. Gary is enjoying being a man
of leisure and pleased to be unemployed for the winter. He’s not too
leisure though, between billiards and golf. He even went bowling for
the first time in 9 ½ years, with a group from our park. His pool
league and twice monthly Sunday tournaments have restarted as well. He
usually golfs twice a week with friends and with the park.
Gary and I celebrated by 62nd birthday by spending the day at one of my favorite places, the Arizona Sonoran Desert Museum in Tucson. Then we went to Saguaro National Park
and got my Senior Access, (Golden Age), Pass. My first socal security
check is scheduled to be direct deposited on December 23rd. That will
be exciting!!!
We’ve also been doing more dancing, both with the Senior Center and at another RV park in Casa Grande.
A local husband and wife singing duo invited friends over to a house
party where we heard an amazing country singer named Tom Hiatt. He
writes his own music and reminded both of us of Chris LeDoux in voice
and style.
Our park decided to participate in the Casa
Grande Electric Light parade to be held on Dec. 5th, so we’ve been busy
getting ready for that. The theme is “Christmas at the Coop,” a play on
words for our Co-Op. Gary’s truck is the float and a coop has been
designed for it. Mrs. Claus and a rooster will ride on the float, while
chickens will walk, cluck and dance along side. The music is “The
Chicken Dance, ” of course. It’s been a lot of fun.
morning a group of us went to the Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Farm. We’ve
been there before, but never taken the Monster Truck Ride and Tour. It
was a blast. We learned a lot about the ostriches and more about the
desert and Picacho Peak. We also took a wild ride over hills and bumps
in the truck and finished it off by fishing for Ostrich. We held a pole
with a chain at the end and a large screw. You stab half an orange
through the peel with the screw and extend it out on a platform for the
ostriches. They grab it off the chain, swallow it whole, on then you
can watch it move down their throat. The feathers at the base of their
long neck, flutter up as it goes by. After that we fed the ostriches,
deer, goats burros, and then the colorful Lorikeets.
Once again
the post office has changed the zip code here, so it is now 85193
instead of 85293. For those who need the entire address, it is:
3241 S. Montgomery Road
Casa Grande, AZ 85193
You can tell we have much to be thankful for this year and we wish all
of you the best through out the holiday season. Have a great
Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year! May you have a
healthy and prosperous 2010.
Busily dancing in AZ........................... Hugs, Katy, Gary, Rusty, and Spicy